
class reunion


This piece, created for the Deep Wireless Festival, is an audio document my trip back to Boston for my high school reunion.  I recorded several hours of the trip before, during, and after the reunion, and what emerged from the piece was a personal reflection on friendship and aging. As always, please listen with a …

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Insane Faces

Off the Grid

Profiles of three of my favorite art stars: Don Eng, John King, and Walter Gambin – ‘outsider’ artists for whom performance serves as a way to navigate their lives.  Special thanks to Reverend Jen for providing some miraculous VO which pulled everything together for me.   As always, I recommend listening with a good set of …

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NYC Subway Musician

We Are All Underground (ft. Moonshine Shorey)

There’s something that has just always seemed tragically lonely about NYC subway musicians.  Making music is (or seems) to be an inherently social activity – something we do with, and for others – and yet most buskers perform by themselves.  This isn’t unusual of course, there are many people out there who identify as “solo …

We Are All Underground (ft. Moonshine Shorey) Read More »


‘I Didn’t Know That’ – A Collage for Radio

A three-minute sonic collage created almost entirely from appropriated materials, mostly soundtracks from military training and educational films, following the guidelines for the Third Coast Festival Short Docs Challenge.  I’ve included a brief statement of intent below. Statement of Intent: The piece was actually inspired by a Brecht quote about “an inescapable profusion and confusion …

‘I Didn’t Know That’ – A Collage for Radio Read More »

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